Thursday, August 9, 2007

It's Bicoastal Media Cross-Pollination Day!

Let's here it for today's celebrant, Sloane Crosley of Random House. Sloane today not only appears as the author of a article on a uniquely kooky-nutty brain-wiring challenge, but she also crops up in The New York Times in a Style article about women embracing their inner—and flaunting their outer—meat-eaters.

Sloane has covered many potential media bases:
1. Author for left coast new media magazine.
2. Interviewee for right coast online version of the Grey Lady.
3. Publicist employed by old-guard publishing house.

Go Sloane!

Now, if she could just grab a spot on Larry King, she'll be all set. Clearly, this woman is a total slacker.

(Love those media outlets for maintaining their silo-like integrity.)

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